Registration & Courses
Our office can assist you with any registration questions or issues you may have by phone, email, or an in person visit. Below are some important tasks to complete prior to registration, as well as tips to help you navigate Roger Central and plan your schedule.
Registration Preparations
- Access Roger Central for student planning and registration.
- Make an appointment to see your advisor to review course requirements and discuss your academic plan. Your course plan and advisor's name are available on Roger Central. Undergraduates must meet with their advisor prior to registration so the advisor can activate “advisement complete” which would then allow you to register at your assigned time.
- Your registration date and time will be on Roger Central. You may continue to make updates going forward from that date and time until the conclusion of add/drop period. If you have a hold your date and time will not be visible.
- It is recommended that you choose alternate classes in case the ones you want are filled when you register. Please click on COURSE SEARCH to view all available courses.
- All restriction holds must be resolved with their respective offices before you will be eligible to register. Should you need assistance with this process, please contact
- Financial – Bursar’s Office (401) 254-3520
- Disciplinary – Office of Student Life (401) 254-3042
- Medical – Health Services (401) 254-3156
- Housing – Residence Life and Housing Office (401) 254-3161
Roger Central Registration System
You can access this Roger Central from any computer or mobile device. To log into Roger Central, you only have to put your username. You do not need your username and @academics. Once logged in to home page – click on “Student Planning.”
Watch a video tutorial or scroll down for step-by-step info:
To add a course:
- Click on "View Your Progress." This will bring up your degree audit. Scroll through your degree audit and click on the course you want to add or click on Search in the gray box above that requirement to search for all courses that meet that requirement.
- If you are adding a course that is not a requirement, you can search for that course in the “Search for courses…” box on the top right of the screen.
- Click on "View Available Sections"
- Find the section you want to add (the number under “Seats” indicates how many spaces are left in that class right now) and click on “Add Section to Schedule.”
- Click on “Add Section”
- From the top menu – Click on “Student Planning” and then on “Plan and Schedule.”
- On the top right of the screen, above the calendar, click on “Register Now” or click “Register” under the course on the left menu.
- The course should change from “Planned” to “Registered, but not started.”
To drop a course:
To drop a course, click “Drop” under that course.
To waitlist a course:
To waitlist a course, click "Waitlist" under that course. If there is no waitlist button, then the course is not offering one.
In Roger Central, when looking at your Fall schedule:
On the left menu of courses, under the course click on “Meeting Information.”
If the location is Bristol Campus, the course is on campus, in a classroom meeting face-to-face.
If the location is On-Line Course (Online), the course is only online. Please note that some online courses have days/time associated with them. These courses will show up in your calendar with your other courses. Courses without days/times will show below your calendar under “Sections with no meeting time.”
All online courses are also coded with section numbers 90 – 99. So, CORE.102.91 is an online course. 91 is the section number, so this indicates this course is online.
When searching for courses in the course catalog in Roger Central, you can utilize the left menu to filter locations so you can filter online courses only by selecting “On-Line Course” or filter face-to-face courses by selecting “Bristol Campus.” Please see the chart below to see further location details:
Location | Description |
Bristol Campus | Face-to-face Bristol Campus courses. |
On-Line Course | Bristol course taught completely online. |
Providence Campus | Course taught face-to-face on the Providence Campus. |
Online Continuing Studies | Extension School course taught completely online. |